Sunday, December 18, 2011

Archive IIS Log Files

The following PowerShell script is using 7Zip to compress IIS Log files.  It identifies IIS Log folder and parses through the contents to find the log files older than $days.  It zips them up, and delete the original log files. The resulting compressed archive will be about 4.5% of the size of the original log files.

 NAME:  Archive_IIS_Log_Files.ps1
 COMMENT:  The script parse through the IIS logs directory contents to find the log files 
   older than $days. Zip them up, and delete the original  
           log files. The resulting compressed archive will be about  
           4.5% of the size of the original log files. 
 REQUIRED: 7-Zip is required for this to work. By default this script  
           looks for the 7-Zip executable, 7za.exe, in C:\Program Files\7-Zip\ 
 Running Scripts Without Starting Windows PowerShell
   powershell.exe -noexit c:\MyScripts\Archive_IIS_Log_Files.ps1

 Scheduling Action: powershell.exe c:\MyScripts\Archive_IIS_Log_Files.ps1
Function Archive_IIS_Log_Files{
 $strComputer = "."
 $days = "7"
 $exe = 'C:\Program Files\7-Zip\7z.exe'
 $emailFrom = ""
 $emailTo = ""
 $subject = "Scheduled job 'Archive IIS Log Files' failed"
 $body = "Error in : "
 $smtpServer = ""
 Write-host "`r` "
 Write-host "`r` "
 Write-host "`t` `t` Start process `t` `t` "  -foregroundcolor Black -backgroundcolor White
 Write-host "`r` "
 Write-host "`t` `t` Inluding .Net Web.Administration"  -foregroundcolor "Green"
 [System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadFile( "C:\windows\system32\inetsrv\Microsoft.Web.Administration.dll")
 $iis = new-object Microsoft.Web.Administration.ServerManager
 Write-host "`r` "
 Write-host "`t` `t` Achive logs for the following websites: `t` `t` "  -foregroundcolor DarkCyan
 $iis.sites | select-object Id, Name
 $TopFolder = $IIS.SiteDefaults.LogFile.Directory 
 $TopFolder = $TopFolder -replace "%SystemDrive%", "C:"
 Write-host "`t` `t` Folders to process:" -foregroundcolor DarkCyan
 Get-ChildItem -path $TopFolder | select pspath
 Write-Host "To cancel the process, Press ‘Ctrl + C’" -foregroundcolor Yellow
 Start-sleep -s 5
 foreach ($site in $iis.sites){
  $TargetFolder = "$TopFolder\W3SVC"
  $TargetFolder = $TargetFolder += $site.Id
  $zipName = Get-Date -format 'yyyy_MM_dd_HH_mm_ss'
  $zipName = "$TargetFolder\$"
  Write-host "`r` "
  Write-Host "Zip file: " $zipName -foregroundcolor DarkCyan
  $SiteName = GetSiteNameForByLogFolder $TopFolder  $TargetFolder
  Write-host "Processing logs for: $SiteName" -foregroundcolor "Yellow"
  if (Test-Path $TargetFolder){
   #Warn you the targeted folder, so you can double check
   Write-host "`r` "
   Write-host "The Targeted Folder is:" $TargetFolder -foregroundcolor DarkCyan
   $Now = Get-Date
   # Notice the minus sign before $days
   $LastWrite = $Now.AddDays(-$days)
   $Files = get-childitem $TargetFolder -include *.log -recurse |Where {$_.LastWriteTime -le "$LastWrite"}
   If ($Files -eq $NULL){
    write-host "No files for processing." -foregroundcolor Green
    foreach ($File in $Files){
     Write-host "`r` "
     Write-host "Running: " $exe a $zipName $File -foregroundcolor Yellow
     & $exe a $zipName $File
     Write-host "`r` "
     write-host "Deleting File $File" -foregroundcolor "Red"
     #You can add -whatif to see the consequence – Remove-item $File -Whatif
    #throw $_.exception
    #Send error message
    $body = "$body$File"
    $smtp = new-object Net.Mail.SmtpClient($smtpServer)
    $smtp.Send($emailFrom, $emailTo, $subject, $body)
    Write-Error  $body
  } Else {
   Write-host "`r` "
   Write-Host "The Folder $TargetFolder Does Not Exist!"
 Write-host "`r` "
 Write-host "`t` `t` End process `t` `t` "  -foregroundcolor Black -backgroundcolor White
Function GetSiteNameForByLogFolder($TopFolder , $TargetFolder){
 $TargetFolderLength = $TargetFolder.Length
 $TopFolderLength = "$TopFolder\W3SVC".Length
 $SiteID = $TargetFolder.substring($TopFolderLength,$TargetFolderLength - $TopFolderLength)
 Write-host "`r` "
 [System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadFile( "C:\windows\system32\inetsrv\Microsoft.Web.Administration.dll")
 $iis = new-object Microsoft.Web.Administration.ServerManager
 foreach ($site in $iis.sites){
  if  ($ -eq $SiteID){
   $SiteName = $Site.Name
 return $SiteName
If you find this script useful please donate generously.