The following Perl script synchronises the TeamSite ‘STAGING’ area with SVN repository.
# Purpose: Teamsite -> SVN integration
# Args: $iwwapath
use POSIX qw(getcwd strftime);
use Cwd;
try {
my $dir = $ARGV[0];
## Constants declaration
my $odLogIndex = "E:\\Req_Sys_SW\\Interwoven\\OpenDeployNG\\log\\rcv. appsPROD_flist.RUNDEPOLY.branch.log";
my $odLog = "E:\\Req_Sys_SW\\Interwoven\\OpenDeployNG\\log\\ branch.log";
my $username = "SVNuser"; #User should have access to all SVN applications Trunk folders
my $password = "****";
my $drive = "f:";
my $share = "teamsite_integration";
my $appDir = "application";
my $target = "checkout";
my $webdev = "\\inetpub\\webdev\\";
my $commitSVN = " --message \"Automatic Teamsite Update\"";
my $workDir = $drive . "\\" . $share . "\\" . $appDir . "\\";
my $scriptLog = $0;
my $currentLocation = substr($scriptLog, 0, get_last_pos($scriptLog,"\\"));
my @svn, @app, @devSite, @url, $line, $drive, $appVal, $svnVal, $tmpVal, $tmpApp;
my $pos1, $pos2, $devSiteVal, $appIndex, $replace , $find, $i;
my $chkDirExists, $chkFolders, $lid, @folders, $chkFolderExists;
my $msg = "";
my $cmd = "";
my $tmpTarget = "";
my $beginJob = 0;
my $endJob = 0;
my $count_files = 0;
$commitSVN = $commitSVN . " --username " . $username . " --password " . $password . " --non-interactive";
$conf::date_format = "%d/%m/%Y";
$conf::time_format = "%H:%M:%S";
$scriptLog =~ s/.pl/.log/g;
$app[0] = "app1";
$app[1] = "app2";
$app[2] = "app3";
$svn[0] = "svn://server/app1/Trunk/";
$svn[1] = "svn://server/app2/Trunk/";
$svn[2] = " svn://server/app3/Trunk/";
$devSite[0] = $drive . $webdev . "app1";
$devSite[1] = $drive . $webdev . "app2";
$devSite[2] = $drive . $webdev . "app3";
# Get Open Deploy Job ID
if(-e $odLogIndex && -r $odLogIndex) {
open(IN, "<$odLogIndex") || die "Couldn't open $odLogIndex: $!";
while ($line = <IN>) {
if ((index($line, "Elapsed Time=") > -1)) {
$pos1 = index ($line, "Job ID=") + length("Job ID=");
$pos2 = index ($line, " Deployment leg=") - length(" Deployment leg=");
$jobid = substr($line, $pos1, $pos2 - $pos1);
if (length($jobid) eq 0) {
$msg = "Step 1 of 9 : Get Open Deploy Job ID";
debug($scriptLog, $msg);
$msg = "Start: " . get_now_date() . " " . get_now_time();
debug($scriptLog, $msg);
$msg = "Open Deploy Job ID: " . $jobid;
debug($scriptLog, $msg);
$msg = "Step 2 of 9 : Initialising - removing $target directory if exists";
debug($scriptLog, $msg);
$currentLocation = $currentLocation . "\\" . $target;
if (-d $currentLocation) {
$cmd = "rmdir " . $drive . "\\" . $share . "\\" . $target . " /S /Q" . " >> " . $scriptLog;
$msg = "Run: " . $cmd;
debug($scriptLog, $msg);
$tmpVal = "-- Processing file(";
$msg = "Step 3 of 9 : Extract all Received File/s to array";
debug($scriptLog, $msg);
if(-e $odLog && -r $odLog) {
open(IN, "<$odLog") || die "Couldn't open $odLog: $!";
while ($line = <IN>) {
if ($beginJob eq 0) {
if ((index($line, "Job ID=" . $jobid) > -1) && (index($line, "Elapsed Time=") <= -1)) {
$beginJob = 1;
if ($beginJob eq 1) {
if (index($line, $tmpVal) > -1) {
$pos1 = index($line, $tmpVal) + length($tmpVal);
$pos2 = index($line, ")", $pos1);
$dir = substr($line, $pos1, $pos2 - $pos1);
push(@flist, $dir);
if ((index($line, "Job ID=" . $jobid) > -1) && (index($line, "Elapsed Time=") > -1)) {
$appIndex = 0;
foreach $tmpFile (@flist){
$msg = "** Processing: " . $tmpFile . " **";
debug($scriptLog, $msg);
$i = 0;
foreach $tmpApp (@app){
if (index($tmpFile, $tmpApp) gt -1){
$appVal = $app[$i];
$svnVal = $svn[$i];
$devSiteVal = $devSite[$i];
if ($appIndex eq 0) {
$msg = "Step 4 of 9 : Checking out";
debug($scriptLog, $msg);
$cmd = "SVN checkout " . $svnVal . " " . $drive . "\\" . $share . "\\" . $target . "\\" . $appVal . " --username \"Teamsite\" --non-interactive" . " >> " . $scriptLog;
$msg = "Run: " . $cmd;
debug($scriptLog, $msg);
$msg = "Step 5 of 9 : Updating $target from Teamsite deployment";
debug($scriptLog, $msg);
$tmpTarget = $tmpFile;
$replace = "\\\\" . $appDir . "\\\\";
$find = "\\" . $target . "\\";
$tmpTarget =~ s/$replace/$find/g;
$cmd = "md " . substr($tmpTarget, 0, get_last_pos($tmpTarget, "\\")) . " >> " . $scriptLog;
$msg = "Run: " . $cmd;
debug($scriptLog, $msg);
$tmpVal = $tmpFile;
$replace = "\\\\" . $appDir . "\\\\" . $appVal . "\\\\";
$find = "\\" . $appDir . "\\generic\\";
$tmpVal =~ s/$replace/$find/g;
#Update this file from the current sub-site
if (-e $tmpFile ) {
$cmd = "COPY " . $tmpFile . " " . $tmpTarget . " /Y" . " >> " . $scriptLog;
$msg = "Run: " . $cmd;
debug($scriptLog, $msg);
} else {
$msg = "Warning: File " . $tmpFile . " not exists.";
debug($scriptLog, $msg);
$tmpVal = substr($tmpFile, index($tmpFile, "\\" . $appVal . "\\") + length("\\" . $appVal . "\\"), length($tmpFile));
$devSiteVal = $devSiteVal . "\\" . $tmpVal;
$cmd = "md " . substr($devSiteVal, 0, get_last_pos($devSiteVal,"\\")) . " >> " . $scriptLog;
$msg = "Run: " . $cmd;
debug($scriptLog, $msg);
$msg = "Step 6 of 9 : Copying from " . $tmpTarget . " to " . $devSiteVal;
debug($scriptLog, $msg);
$cmd = "COPY " . $tmpTarget . " " . $devSiteVal . " /Y" . " >> " . $scriptLog;
$msg = "Run: " . $cmd;
debug($scriptLog, $msg);
$cmd = "DEL /A:H /F /S /Q " . $drive . "\\" . $share . "\\" . $target . " >> " . $scriptLog;
$msg = "Delete all hidden files: " . $cmd;
debug($scriptLog, $msg);
$msg = "Step 7 of 9 : Adding back to SVN";
debug($scriptLog, $msg);
$chkDirExists = substr($tmpTarget, 0, get_last_pos($tmpTarget, "\\")) . ".svn";
$msg = "Directory " . $chkDirExists;
if (-d $chkDirExists ) {
$msg = $msg . " exists.";
debug($scriptLog, $msg);
$cmd = "SVN add " . $tmpTarget . " --force" . " >> " . $scriptLog;
$msg = "Run: " . $cmd;
debug($scriptLog, $msg);
$msg = "Step 8 of 9 : Committing back to SVN";
debug($scriptLog, $msg);
$cmd = "SVN commit " . $tmpTarget . $commitSVN . " >> " . $scriptLog;
$msg = "Run: " . $cmd;
debug($scriptLog, $msg);
} else {
$msg = $msg . " not exists.";
debug($scriptLog, $msg);
$lid = $drive . "\\" . $share . "\\" . $target . "\\" . $appVal;
$chkFolders = substr(substr($tmpTarget, 0, get_last_pos($tmpTarget, "\\")), length($lid) + 1, length(substr($tmpTarget, 0, get_last_pos($tmpTarget, "\\"))));
@folders = split /\\/, $chkFolders;
$i = scalar @folders;
if ($i gt 0) {
$chkFolderExists = $lid;
foreach $dir (@folders)
$chkFolderExists = $chkFolderExists . "\\" . $dir;
$cmd = "SVN add " . $chkFolderExists . " --force" . " >> " . $scriptLog;
$msg = "Run: " . $cmd;
debug($scriptLog, $msg);
$msg = "Step 8 of 9 : Committing back to SVN";
debug($scriptLog, $msg);
$cmd = "SVN commit " . $chkFolderExists . $commitSVN . " >> " . $scriptLog;
$msg = "Run: " . $cmd;
debug($scriptLog, $msg);
$msg = "Step 9 of 9 : Finalising - removing $target directory";
debug($scriptLog, $msg);
$cmd = "rmdir " . $drive . "\\" . $share . "\\" . $target . " /S /Q" . " >> " . $scriptLog;
$msg = "Run: " . $cmd;
debug($scriptLog, $msg);
$msg = "End: " . get_now_date() . " " . get_now_time();
debug($scriptLog, $msg);
$msg = "Processed: " . $count_files . " file/s.";
debug($scriptLog, $msg);
$msg = "____________________________________________________________________";
debug($scriptLog, $msg); sub debug {
open(OUT, ">>@_[0]") || return;
chmod(0664, "@_[0]");
print OUT "@_[1]\n";
sub get_now_date{
return POSIX::strftime($conf::date_format, localtime(time()));
sub get_now_time{
return POSIX::strftime($conf::time_format, localtime(time()));
sub get_last_pos{
$pos = -1;
while (($pos = index(@_[0], @_[1], $pos)) > -1){
$pos_last = index(@_[0], @_[1], $pos);
if ($pos_last <= -1){
$pos_last = $pos;
return $pos_last;
} catch Error with {
my $ex = shift;
$msg = "** Error: " . $ex . " **";
debug($scriptLog, $msg);
All (dynamic) application files should be imported initially to the TeamSite branch. The script above should be called by the workflow associated with the TeamSite branch after content approval phase. The process consists of the following steps:
· Find OpenDeploy Job ID from the index log file.
· Extract all received file/s referenced by the Job ID from the OpenDeploy log file.
· Remove the checkout folder from the integration target location
· Checkout appropriate application files into checkout folder
· Update checkout files from the TeamSite deployment
· Promote updated file/s to the appropriate environment (eg. DEV)
· Delete all hidden files as required by SVN framework
· Add updated file/s to the appropriate SVN repository
· Commit updated file/s to the SVN repository
· Remove temporary created checkout directory
The TeamSite->SVN integration area (\\destinationServer\Teamsite_Integration shared folder on the destination server) shows below
If you find this script useful please donate generously.